Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vision and Mission of the Coalition

We are a faith coalition in New Mexico responding to our country's broken immigration system because our religious traditions teach us to practice hospitality and promote social justice. We are affiliated with the national New Sanctuary Movement and faith groups all around the country. We seek to educate our communities, provide compassionate services, and advocate for humane immigration policy.

Clergy and laypeople from seventeen congregations across the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area have been meeting since May 2009. We meet every other Sunday afternoon, and congregations take turns hosting meetings. Please refer to our calendar to find out about upcoming meetings and events.

Most of us are immigrants to the United States in one manner or another. We remember that our relatives left their ancestral homes and immigrated here, hoping for a better life. New Mexico welcomed them and enabled them to establish roots, creating the rich and multicultural region that we love. We are proud of the diversity of our city, where 73 languages and dialects are reflected in the student body of our public schools.

We seek to educate our community about immigration, provide compassionate services, and advocate for humane policies that promote family unity and respect the inherent dignity of every person.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings...

    I have a $500 Mission Partnership check requested by the First Presbyterian Church of Albuquerque's Mission Committee. I can not locate an address to send it to the New Mexico Faith Coaliltion for Immigrant Justice. Can someone advise me?

    Sam Mayer
